Yesterday morning I got an email from my husband telling me that the wife of one of his soldiers had went into labor, her due date wasn't for another week or more. The solider was already sent out of Iraq on emergency leave... then, I get another a short time later telling me that she had the baby, and he asked me if I could make a card and take it and a gift from the two of us up to her.
I made the card and afterwards was so upset with myself because I had gotten some black ink on the ribbon that was already ahered to the card.. uggghhh!! I had gotten in injection in my shoulder yesterday and my hand was as good as rubber and I didn't realize that I had ink on my hand and it touched the ribbon. I said that I would just apologize for it when I got there. I grabbed two boxes of baby wipes and wrapped them up like a pretty present in some beautiful white ribbon with a bow on top, then grabbed the card, printed off the email so I knew who I was going to see and then on my way out of through the garage I grabbed a bag of Luv's diapers.. off we went to the hospital. She loved the card and the gifts, I apologized for my gimpy hand/arm.. she didn't care, she was glad that we had came. The kids were so good too.. I was so proud of them being so quite and polite. Her husband didn't make it in yesterday, but he is probably home by today.
thanks for looking ~
have a great airborne day!
God Bless All Our Military.. each and every one of them